Why are you not on the electoral register?
‘Because I don’t want my name on the voters roll. Because that voters roll, they can keep it at the police station, and anyone who wants to find out who you are can see it at the police station, if they look up the voters’ roll.’
Andy – JSH

‘It might have only been because I turned eighteen on the third of May last... I don’t know if I’m on the list or whatever... They don’t tell people how to do these type of things, do you know what I mean? It’s not really something that attracts the younger person today because of the fact that they’re not interested in it... Half the people come in here use drugs, know what I mean, and they’re not going to get up in the morning and go, “Oh, I’d better go down and vote for this.” They’re like that, “Oh, I better go and get a tenner to go and get some drugs,” you know what I mean?’
Tony – CCI

‘They catch you for the council tax.’
Stuart – PYOI

‘I’ve not bothered to put myself on it because I don’t really want to vote... I don’t believe in it anyway.’
Hoosie – FPC

‘Because, the last couple of years I’ve been moving from place to place, I never settled in one place. That’s how. I was homeless for a spell last year as well, so that’s how.’
Tracey – CCI

‘If you’re not on the voters roll, a simple thing like going to get a washing machine on hire purchase, or out on rent, it’s like “no way”. Even if you’re on the voters roll, as soon as they know your address. That’s it! “Oh, no that’s the travellers’ place, we’re not sending it.” That’s the thing, so what’s the sense of being on the voters roll when you can’t even get a washing machine out on rental anywhere.’
Claire – LTS

‘I don’t fill it in simply for the reason that all politicians are bastards basically. They all lie through their teeth, they go back on their words, and they don’t like protesters basically. And the way they do things sneakily, all the secrets that are kept, the list goes on and on and on...’
Craig – FPC

‘I won’t vote because they’ll catch me for every penny I owe them, on council tax and poll tax. And I don’t see why I should pay it anyway when my granddad fought the war for a free country, and as far as I’m concerned that’s what all the old people fought for, a free country, not having to be paying to live here... Once you’re on that voters roll, you’re fucked. That’s why you’re best not voting.’
Dave – CCI

‘Because if we don’t vote they can’t get our names on a register to gas us.’
Billy – LTS

‘–Cos it’s a lot of shite... Doesn’t make any difference does it.
– Just like another day.’
Jimmy and Colin – PYOI

