Miklos Erhardt and I met and worked with around 30 migrants (from Bangladesh, Bosnia, China, Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kurdistan, Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Senegal, Sierre Leone, Somalia, Tunisia, Yugoslavia) who had recently arrived in Turin. Through a series of dialogues, we asked each participant to sketch a 'mental map', illustrating how they perceive and experience the city, then gave each a camera to illustrate their maps with photographs.

A website documents this project (see link below) and includes: an interactive composite mental map of Torino (shockwave download is required), all the mental maps, photographs and comments by the participants and a movie (.mov) file of the installation.

The Need To Document, (curators: Vít Havránek, Sabine Schaschl) Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel. 18 Mar – Apr, 2005 (catalogue).

More information at: www.bighope.hu/reroute
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